Sozialpolitik aktuell in Deutschland

Neu eingestellt in Europa:

Labour market policies for inclusiveness (ILO)

Europäische Strategie für Pflege und Betreuung (Europäische Kommission)

Telework in the EU: Regulatory frameworks and recent updates (Eurofound)

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022. Investing in transforming futures for young people (ILO)

The gender pay gap in the health and care sector. A global analysis in the time of Covid-19 (ILO)

Mindestlöhne in Europa im Jahr 2022 - sowie die Frage, ob und wie man in inflationären Zeiten wie diesen angemessene Mindestlöhne sicherstellen kann (Aktuelle Sozialpolitik)

Minimum wages in 2022: Annual Review (Eurofound)

Working conditions in Europe. The role of global value chains and advanced digital productions-driven technological specialisation (ETUI)

Ethics in the digital workplace (Eurofound)

Online Platforms & Platform Work. The Complex European landscape (FES)

Jahreswachstumsbericht 2022: Länderbericht Deutschland 2022 (Europäische Kommission)

Empfehlung des Rates zum nationalen Reformprogramm Deutschlands 2022 (Europäische Kommission)

Taxing Wages 2022 (OECD)

Living and working in Europe 2021 (Eurofound)

Social Dialogue Report 2022: Collective bargaining for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery (ILO)

Nationales Reformprogramm 2022 (BMWK)

Access to social protection for young people. An analysis of policies in 35 countries (ESPN)

Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work (ILO)

Gender inequality in performance-related pay: a gap in the EU equal pay agenda (Etui)

Collective labour disputes in the EU (Eurofound)

Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2021. Re-emerging social ambitions as the EU recovers from the pandemic (ETUI, OSE)

World Inequality Report 2022 (World Inequality Lab)

The lights of Porto: The EU social season and its aftermath (IMK)

Geschlechterquoten für Spitzenpositionen der Privatwirtschaft in EU-Ländern: Teils sehr unterschiedlich, aber wirksam (DIW)

Wage inequality within and between firms (etui)
