Sozialpolitik aktuell in Deutschland

Neu eingestellt in Europa:

World Employment and Social Outlook (OECD)

Taxing wages 2023 (OECD)

Developments in working life 2022 (Eurofound)

Living and working in Europe 2022 (Eurofound)

The future of telework and hybrid work (Eurofound)

Impact of climate change on working conditions, employment and social dialogue (Eurofound)

Minimum wage developments in 2022 - fighting the cost-of-living-crisis (ETUI)

Ungleichheit in Europa (FES)

Benchmarking Working Europe 2023 (ETUI/ETUC)

The value of essential work (ILO)

The European Care Strategy (FES, FEPS, Hrsg.)

Ready for the next crisis? Investing in health system resilience (OECD)

Juggling online gigs with offline jobs (ETUI)

The persistence of gender gaps in education and skills (OECD)

Mortality and the Provision of Retirement Income (OECD)

Social policy in the European Union. Policymaking in a permacrisis (OSE, ETUI)

Economic and social inequalities in Europe in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (Eurofound)

The European Labour Authority in practice (WSI)

Interlinkages between the just ecological transition and the digital transformation (ETUI)

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 (ILO)

Mindestsicherungssysteme als Elemente der Krisenresilienz in Europa (BMAS, Hrsg.)

Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World (ILO)

Pensions Outlook 2022 (OECD)

The rise in telework: Impact on working conditions and regulations (Eurofound)

Global Wage Report 2022/23 (ILO)


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