Sozialpolitik aktuell in Deutschland

Neu eingestellt in Europa:

How job retention schemes preserved employment during the pandemic (Eurofound)

Employment and wage outcomes of people with disabilities (ILO)

Developments in working life 2023 (Eurofound)

Developments in income inequality (Eurofound)

Job quality side of climate change (Eurofound)

Verwendung von EU-Mitteln für sozialpolitische Maßnahmen (BuReg)

Society at a Glance 2024 (OECD)

Aktualisierte Infografiken: VI. Arbeitslosigkeit in der EU

Employment Outlook 2024 (OECD)

Aktualisierte Infografiken: V. Erwerbstätigkeit in der EU

Europäischer Tarifbericht (WSI)

Aktualisierte Infografiken: IV. Einkommenssituation/Armut

2024 pension adequacy report (EC, SPC)

Study on poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation (EC)

Europäisches Semester: Country Report und Empfehlungen des Rates (EC)

Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2023 (ETUI, OSE)

Artificial intelligence: Implications for occupational safety & health (ETUI)

Disability-based labour market inequalities (ETUI)

Aktualisierte Infografiken: III. Finanzierung der Sozialleistungen u. Abgabenquoten

Aktualisierte Infografiken: I. Gesamtwirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen

Young people in a post-pandemic world (Eurofound)

Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine (EMN)

A broken safety net? Minimum income schemes and the young (ETUI)

Telework by region and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic (Eurofound, EC)

Living and working in Europe 2023 (Eurofound)


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