Sozialpolitik aktuell in Deutschland

Neu eingestellt in Europa:

Self-employment in the EU (Eurofound)

Minimum wages for low-paid workers in collective agreements (Eurofound)

World Employment and Social Outlook 2024 (ILO)

Narrowing the employment gap for people with disabilities (ETUI)

Aktualisierte Infografiken: II. Sozialleistungen/Sozialschutzquoten

Intergenerational inequalities (Eurofound)

Pensions at a Glance 2023 (OECD)

Human-Centred Economics (ILO)

Right to disconnect (Eurofound)

Minimum wages: Non-compliance and enforcement (Eurofound)

Psychosocial risks to workers' well-being (Eurofound)

Health at a Glance 2023 (OECD)

International Migration Outlook 2023 (OECD)

Climate package: Impact on EU employment by 2030 (Eurofound)

Working time in 2021-2022 (Eurofound)

Access for children in need to key services (European Commission)

The Future of Office Work in Europe (FES)

Access to services for children in the EU (Eurofound)

Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (OECD)

Tackling inflation in sectoral collective wage bargaining (Eurofound)

Societal implications of labour market instability (Eurofound)

Social services in Europe (Eurofound)

Report on mobile seasonal workers and intra-EU labour mobility (EU Comm)

Grenzüberschreitender Austausch von Sozialversicherungsdaten (HBS)

Aktualisierte Infografiken: VI. Arbeitslosigkeit (EU)


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